
Posted by chako in カナダ, ハワイ | 今年もありがとうございました! はコメントを受け付けていません

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2月に最愛の父の見送りに始まり、6月に毎年恒例のSOK(Support Our Kids, 東日本大震災被災児童自立支援プロジェクト)のチャリティディナーパーティの主催、7月に相模原市友好都市支援活動として30名の相模原市民と相模原市役所の方々、トロント市長はじめマイケル・トンプソン議員とともにバークデール公園にて桜の植樹式を行いました。8月のSOKトロント・ホームステイ&サマーキャンプ・プログラムでは、たくさんの方々からご協力いただき、今年も実り多い子供達との交わりができました。









James & Chako


Dear my families and friends,

Year of 2017 is just around the corner. I felt this year is gone so quickly as I get older. We have a lot of unforgettable memories in 2016.

In February, my loved father passed away. In June, we had an annual charity dinner party for SOK (Support Our Kids). In July, since we are Sagamihara Friendship City Advisors, we had a Sakura tree planting ceremony at Birkdale Park with 30 guests from City of Sagamihara including members of City Hall, Mayor John Tory, Councilor Michael Thompson and others from City of Toronto.

In August, we had SOK homestay & summer camp program in Toronto. It was great success with many generous supporters as past years.

In September, our three grandchildren entered to Queen’s University, University of Toronto and Carleton University with excellent scores. We now have 12 grandchildren so we celebrate someone’s birthday every month.

In October, city council members from City of Sagamihara visited in Toronto so we have a networking event and took them to Nikkei Heritage Centre at JCCC.

In November, our long-cherished dream comes true. The monologue “The Decision: Visa of Life (The Sempo Sugihara Story” had been played at Carleton University in Ottawa and Japanese Gospel Church of Toronto with many generous supports. In Ottawa, four families who survived by Sugihara’s Visa came and so moved with tearful eyes by his stage performance. The number of family members who were saved by Sugihara’s Visa keeps increased and it is about 25,000 family members alive now. I realized how wonderful it is.

And, in December, my parent home in Japan was sold, so I cleaned all over the home. And we had an anniversary event for my parents with all my family members. Some of my friends came helped me out. I really appreciated their kindness.

At the end of this year, we are here in Honolulu. We were invited the Welcome reception for Mr. Abe, Japan’s prime minister on December 26. We enjoyed the time. It was like a present from God.

We wish that many people could speak out their joy and appreciation with their own words. Thank you very much for your supports this year as well. Please help us to move forward together next year, too.

Wishing you a Happy New Year!


James & Chako






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